I have a really bad memory about remembering things, so I want to write this down to exist forever. the story of how I got my first real freelance client. The service I provided for this client was creating a WordPress website. I meet them at a Sizdebedar Event. Sizdebedar Event is a special event for Iranian people who will gather in nature and spend time in some part of nature.
I was their guest and we go to the park near the beach and we had lunch. During lunch, we had this opportunity to talk about business and I tell them services I provide in my normal job. I got their attention and I feel that they need my help to create a website for them. Obviously, they weren't so rich but at least they were a real customer to me. we talk about different things that a website can do for them and I explain as much as I can to make them feel ok about my knowledge.
1 day after our meeting I create an invoice for them and they were scared about it. because they just saw the amount of money they should spend. I explained to them that we can reduce the total amount, but they didn't take any decision. about 3 daises passed. I follow up with them by sending really normal screenshots of my chat with ChatGPT about the return on investment for having online advertising.
I think it's worked and after 1 day they call me and told me that they need this service. I was happy and excited and also surprise that how this happen.
I send them new invoices and told them that they can pay 50% of it at first and the rest of it at the end when we deliver the project to him.
he agrees and finally sends me money.
Immediately I start the work and do my best website for them.
The rest of the work was easy, we search for a hosting company and got our client's approval. Then we choose a WordPress theme and start our work. It took 5 days for us to complete the whole website and we deliver it finally on the 6th day. The result was wonderful, our client was so happy and he pay us the rest of the amount.
I told him I will support the website for about 3 months and if he want to add or edit I will support it.
That was the story of how I got my first client and the things I have done from attracting to activating. I got lessons on how the studies I have done will actually be applied.